Wednesday 9 July 2014

the Archangel - Verity

While the Archangel's first book 'Knowledge' is almost refined enough to begin putting pen to paper (so to speak), I must also keep in mind about the development of the further books in order to create a feeling of constancy that ties the series together, giving the impression that it's one huge story and not separate stories in separate books. But during this process, my mind had become drawn to a specific character, of whom will be introduced in the third book - Verity Rouldan. 

And while becoming intensely focused on one character may jeopardize the equality of the other characters featured in the story, I found that this exercise of concentration actually defines the other characters through their relationships formed with Verity as well as their interactions with her. I've chosen three specific pieces I've done of Ms. Rouldan to emphasise her three main qualities - mystery, harmony and wonder. 

Breath of Life. Verity explores a place with incredible and yet unknown potential.
Verity has always had an air of mystery. Though her life was a comfortable one, Verity couldn't help but feel that there was something she didn't know, something hidden from her by the people around her. In her desperate attempts to find out what, she would always reach a door at the end of every tunnel and find that door to be locked. Due to her failures, she'd unconsciously adapted this 'air of mystery' as if she was hiding something from everyone else in order to either feel as if she fit in with everyone around her, or to try and get something out of anyone. Her little knowledge about the secrets around her define her strength and determination as well as her flaws - her unforgiving nature and her hint of pride emerge from this. On top of the meaningless whispers, she must also handle society's expectations of her age. Due to this, she has a set breaking point that would be extremely dangerous to trigger. She mostly keeps her more negative emotions hidden but she would never deny them. 

During the creation of this piece, I repeatedly listened to the song Breath of Life by Florence and The Machine. I believe this matches her story perfectly - the sound of it is just so intense and yet the lyrics convey that she is just wanting for something simple. Something like an answer. 

When Verity is thrust into such a strange and unknown place, her feelings of being kept in the dark rush back. Anonymous organisms whisper in her name and entice her towards them and Verity questions 'Why?' only to get the same repeated phrase. I emphasised her eyes and the strange floating light behind her to contrast the dark forest texture I'd added. The light draws her to the answers she's searching for.

 Calmness and Green. Verity winding down and taking in the tranquility of the day.
Verity is surrounded in a world of peace and tranquility. It has become part of her personality to help people and to be compassionate. This comes especially with the help. As the regular community would act in the setting of the Archangel, the help were people to be looked down upon. Verity didn't agree. She defends them if there were ever situations where she had to do so and would never see herself as their superior. She even dresses in the common wear for servants when she can and helps the gardeners around the 'green dome', which is a massive dome shaped greenhouse connected to the Rouldan Estate. She finds more life in the green dome than with other people. She doesn't approve of the way people act in society, especially their actions that suggest their superiority. Verity often likes to sit down on the steps in the dome and wind down after a day at school. It is from her vast fascination with natural life and botany that she would wish to become a biologist in the Visalian Society of Science and Discovery.

This piece shows Verity in her natural habitat. More often than not in the story, she tends to help the people around her who need help. I love the colour scheme I used which consisted of an incredibly deep colour (black/dark brown), a stark bright colour (white), and a vivid green which was overlayed with yellow airbrush to emphasise the crisp warmth of the colour. It sort of symbolises the stark contrast of different people but life still ties them together. Kind of like how Verity keeps the team living in harmony.

Verity and the Light. A ceremony in the city of Visalis causes the youths to participate in a tradition in which they seem to 'bend light'.
It wouldn't be too hard for Verity to have a sudden spark in her eyes as she is wonder-struck. Due to her absolute fascination with biology, she is interested with all life forms in general. At a point in the story, she will become familiar with organisms made of light and magic and complete and utter mystery that nobody has ever seen before. She finds wonder in the simplest of mannerisms in people as well as the way something simply moves. Her breath gets taken away by the vastness of landscapes and the feeling of discovery. The others in the team usually have to tug on her shoulder to grab her attention in order to move forward. The Artener brothers appreciate her nature - they have seen many a feature in the world they walk and surprise doesn't come easily to them most of the time, so Verity's wide eyed personality allows them to appreciate their surroundings as well as sharpen their senses. This is only one of the examples of how Verity influences the team. She finds wonder in the world just as much as the team finds wonder in her.

Contrasting light and colours are often a prominent feature in my art as I find the effect enchanting. I, myself, carry the same quality of wonder as Verity does, and writing her point of view and thoughts become easier. It even becomes wondrous to me writing and visualising the landscapes and settings she will enter and then pouring all those feelings into Verity's point of view. 

Verity Rouldan is, in my opinion, quite a rounded character. Her influences of mystery draw up her strongholds towards the secrets kept from her as well as defining her flaws at the same time. Her love of nurturing the life around her gives her compassion and a harmonious nature. Finally, she finds wonder in everything, from the simplest of people and plants to the expanse of endless landscapes. She is strong and yet vulnerable, but as she continues her path in the story, she learns her true potential and that she is much more than she has ever dreamed about and this gives readers strength and determination to become the hope people believe in.

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