Saturday 4 October 2014

Tea and Lighthouse Days

While watching Studio Ghibli's 'Kiki's Delivery Service', I got inspired to create something of the same feeling and mood of the film. I've lived near a coast for 10 years and I've never realised how much I've taken it for granted until I'd moved to a desert area in a completely different continent. Miyazaki's storytelling keeps me sane, more or less.

This was the original sketch; done in a plain Moleskine notebook and edited on Photoshop Creative Cloud.

As I was painting this on Photoshop, I realised that a couple of elements could tie the piece together. So I looked to my two current professional inspirations in the art industry - an artist by the name of LoisH and another named Pierre Antoine-Moelo.

These artists have influenced my art style in ways incomprehensible. They've even influenced my storytelling style. As a result, my friend Alina and I are creating a collaboration project known as 'Imminent'. I'm very excited to share the details once we've laid down some good foundation on the plot, but so far, it's promising to be spectacular!

All in all - Studio Ghibli, LoisH, Peahart, Alina J (as well as oolong tea and lighthouses); they are my life currently, to put it plainly.

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